Many of my clients feel that just don’t have the wardrobe for a photo shoot. I understand this well.

It can be hard for anyone to define what their style is, unless you’re a stylist or have a passionate love for the fashion world. And for the everyday woman, let’s be honest – for most of us yoga pants and sweat shirts, are really the extent of our wardrobe collection.

So when my clients sit with me and we talk about ‘what is your look’, the thing that I am looking for is – what IN your wardrobe is that one thing that makes you feel amazing?

Here in Central Queensland, most of us women wear jeans and this is always a great place to start styling. I can create a glam look for you in your favourite pair of jeans, no worries!

Because, jeans are an iconic fashion statement!

Look at James Dean, Sophia Loren, P!nk to name a few.

And from this beginning look, we can create the next look, and the next look and the next look….

I call it – from glam jeans to chic elegance to sensual boudoir.

This is my signature brand.

It’s what I am known for and how I love to style women because it suits every woman. Young and mature.

When I style a women, I don’t just style for her body type. I style for her personality, her story and her inner spirit. Because at the end of the day…….she is an amazing person inside and out and I want to capture that.

Portrait Photography

June 3, 2021

What LOOK Is For You!?
