I dare you to look at me and tell me……what is it that YOU see?

Do you see the shape of my body and wish that you hadn’t?

Or do you see contentment, fulfillment and deep deep gratitude for the skin I am blessed to live in.

Do you see my eyes as green, blue or brown?

Or do you see love, happiness and the desire to help those who don’t have the means or the will to do so.

Do you see my legs as chunky, large and carved in cellulite?

Or do you see subtleness, softness and curves that go on for days and days.

Do you see my butt as big, two-in-one or disgusting?

Or is it voloumtious, round and palm itching smack worthy.

To you I may seem out of shape, unfit and not the size of what a woman should be.

But to me…..

To ME I am…..



And built the way a woman IS, not the version that you have built up in your mind.

So I DARE YOU to tell me again…..

What is it that you see, when you look at ME.

‘Be Passionate. Be Brave. Be You’ – I love the power of words, just as much as I love the power of a photograph.
Will you be brave and leave your thoughts on my poem below?

January 19, 2022

‘I Dare You’ – A Poem

Boudoir, Poetry