As a firm lover of nature, I believe that just like the land & seas, we pass through different seasons of our lives and there are SO many metaphorical lessons that nature teaches us if we are willing to look. The wind, trees, oceans, even flowers and grass, all have evocative tutorials yearning for you to see, but because we always in such fast paste motion of everyday life, we miss them.

I learnt long ago the power of Mother Earth. She is deeply entwined in the DNA of my First Nations culture, and every time that I photograph my clients in the beautiful land and sea scapes, I can see them instantaneously be present and deeply connect with themselves and the environment around them.

So I began asking – What Season Are You In?

Winter Reflection and Introspection

❄️ Winter teaches us to be reflective, to settle into introspection and transformation. It brings with it a mix of personal emotions and challenges.

Winter is often when we grapple with changes to our physical appearance, health and our societal roles.

But it also brings profound wisdom and strength. To gain clarity on what truly matters, shedding superficial concerns and more meaningful connections and pursuits.

Winter is a time to foster a newfound acceptance and self-love. When external validation becomes less significant, and we yearn for a deeper appreciation for our own journey, resilience, and inner beauty. It is a time for us to embracing new beginnings and possibilities, even amidst endings. This time in our lives can be empowering, as it encourages us to let go of past burdens and embracing our more authentic self.

Autumn Change and Harvest

🍂 Autumn/Fall often symbolizes maturity, change, and harvest. It’s a culmination of experiences, a deepening understand of ourselves, and the beginning of transitions into new or next stages of our lives.

We consider it to be a mixture of nostalgia and contentment. During this time we often reflect on our past, appreciating the lessons learnt and our achievements. All that hard work and effort we put in earlier in the year begins to bear fruit. As our children grow up and become more independent, or our career priorities shift, we can feel a sense of loss or emptiness.

But despite these challenges, Autumn is a time of rich, vibrant growth. An opportunity to embrace new passions, explore different interests, and invest in our own personal well-being. It is a time for gratitude for our journey thus far, a celebration of life’s richness and diversity and all the excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead.

Spring Growth, Renewal and Beginnings

🌸 Spring is a time of excitement and optimism. It’s often associated with youth, discovery, and the blossoming of potential.

Often Spring is associated with a sense of anticipation of fresh opportunities, new ventures and blooming personal development. We may feel a sense of anticipation and possibility, as we embark on new paths or embrace changes in our lives.

Spring often brings a renewed energy, with the enthusiasm to pursue our dreams, set goals, and explore new aspects of ourselves. It is a vibrant, dynamic time filled with hope, creativity and the exploration of new horizons. Spring brings us rebirth and the celebration of all our potential.

Summer Energy and Achievements

☀️ Summer is when our experiences and relationships are in full bloom and there is a strong sense of identity and purpose.

Filled with vibrancy and confidence, we feel empowered and capable, having gained experience and wisdom from our earlier stages in our lives. We are often actively engaging in the world around us and our emotional changes.

Things like responsibilities and demands of balancing work, family and personal aspirations can be overwhelming at times, leading to stress or a need for re-evaluation of priorities. There may also be a heightened awareness of time passing, prompting reflection on past choices.

Summer is known for living life to the fullest and celebrations.

It has a is a sense of warmth and openness, and a time for building lasting memories and deepening connections with others around us. It’s a is a time of joy, fulfilment, and growth, balanced with the recognition of our lives complexities and our  continued journey of self-discovery.

Overall, the seasons in our lives will always move and change and the greatest sense we gain from each is our growth.

And I would love to photograph you in all of your seasons. Through all of your lifetime.

Imagine the legacy you will leave of having your entire story told through meaningful purposefully designed portraits.

These seasons are your most important and incredible moments you will ever have during your life, and isn’t that worth capturing for a lifetime?

Click here: ‘BOOK YOUR SESSION’ and let’s begin!

Melissa xoxo

Feel free to follow me to be in the know on my social spaces: Facebook or Instagram  YouTube where I share even more exciting things like behind-the-scene’s and tips/how-too’s, etc.

August 2, 2024

The Lessons We Miss

Behind The Scenes