If no one was judging me, how would I differently present my professional capabilities?

This is an interesting Personal Branding mapping exercise question is it not? And what would your response be?

The last few weeks, I have been head down in the pivoting of my business from Portraits and Boudoir Photography to Personal Branding. And the most interesting thing that I have come to realise during this transition is that, my pull to become a Speaker and Specialist Coach in Branding, more specifically, transformation and becoming the best version of yourself, has been SO strong, that I’ve identified it is also being one of my greatest fears as well.

Why would anyone listen to me? What value do add do I bring to the table? Do I trust my voice? What if no one was judging me, how would I differently present my professional capabilities?

It’s been such a complex inertia of ‘lotto ball lottery’ motion inside my head, that I fully understand it has the power to either hold me back in a stuck mentality or, it will propel me forward with such dizzying speed, that I lose myself into an abyss that I struggled so hard to break free of the first 40+ years of my life.

But that is the price we pay living in the Matrix – take the red pill and all is revealed to you; take the blue pill, and you remain in a comfortable delusion.

My stomach is actively churning, as I sit at the kitchen table, in my daughter’s home, writing this blog post.

Not for the fear of judgment from you, my readers.

But because a decision has to be made and I deep within my soul know, I have to walk towards it with defiant certainty and conviction – because this is how I choose to live both my personal and professional life now: Certainty. Conviction. Communication. So far, I have achieved one out of three today….. woohoo! That’s a win!

The question remains: If no one was judging me, how would I differently present my professional capabilities?

I would listen with my eyes. Speak from the heart. Share my very real visceral moments of fear and vulnerability without shame. Dress for style and confident comfort. And allow myself to be fully seen by all those in the room – come whatever may.

2025 is going to be my year of Metamorphism and Becoming.

Will you come along for the journey with me, Friend?? I promise, there will be much to excavate, uncover and learn from together if you do.

Yours in certainty, conviction, honest communication, love, and kindness. Above all else, there will be kindness shared here in this Blog and the other online spaces that I want to create purely for the benefit of having a safe space where you and I, we can be ourselves.

Be kind to yourself, Friend, till next we chat.

Mel xox

December 17, 2024

If No One Was Judging Me…

Behind The Scenes