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Doing anything new has fear attached to it, this is a known fact. And while I have been ‘dabbling’ in the YouTube space to see what works, how I want my channel to look and who exactly I would like to connect with, one thing has become abundantly clear…. I am doing it all with […]
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As a firm lover of nature, I believe that just like the land & seas, we pass through different seasons of our lives and there are SO many metaphorical lessons that nature teaches us if we are willing to look. The wind, trees, oceans, even flowers and grass, all have evocative tutorials yearning for you […]
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Fitted outfits are designed to follow the natural curves of your body, highlighting your shape in a flattering and elegant way.
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How does one move from a union of two, to an ending of one and still feels like she can find the woman within.
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If you don’t believe that your story is not important. YOU. ARE. WRONG. And let me share with you why…..
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Traditionally, you would have taken your photos on a film camera and then take that film into the lab and come back a week later, to pick up your prints.