CHANGE: As the saying goes – “When it rains it pours….”

It’s been more than a minute since my last blog post, and there is just SOOOO much to share and tell you. As well as the lessons and insight learnt that I have learnt during this whirlwind time as female business owner:

  • Got to do some commercial photography work at Carnarvon Gorge, Queensland, met family I didn’t know before and heard some truly inspiring stories.
  • Experienced and photographed Traditional Cultural Fire Burns with Indigenous Rangers on my Grandmothers homelands.
  • Moved into the social media management space with new clients by producing product/services photography and matching social media captions.
  • Won another 6 Bronzes at the International Portrait Masters Awards.
  • Became one of the Platinum Sponsors for our local NAIDOC Committee community events.
  • Moved into a beautiful new studio space in Rockhampton.
  • Have a heartfelt and personal photography project happening that pays homage to the women who molded and shaped me – my Grandmother and my Sister Mandy – that will result in the production of my very first coffee table book.
  • Have been a Guest Speaker multiple times at local events.
  • Ran 2 very successful workshops on the art and craft of photography.
  • Photographed some truly inspiring, creative and fully spirited women who I consider to be my family now.
  • Photographed voluntary organisation workers who’s impact they make in the world of the Arts, they really have no idea of!
  • Massive amounts of free marketing for my business in exchange for my time and my skills.
  • I’ve changed my business name from Melissa Mills Photography to now be known as Melissa Mills Studio

All of this and it’s only July!

YET….I feel that the Universe is only beginning with me. She has SOOOO much more that is yet to come and it will knock my socks off even more.

During this whole time, what I have learnt is to become so obsessed with myself and what I am creating. I’ve learnt (and still learning) the difference that boundaries make and the time back I receive when I stick to them.

I’ve learnt to ground myself. Deeply ground myself. And do it often.

I’ve learnt that systems and processes are not there to hinder you or your business, but to make it easier; better; more streamlined.

Collaborations…… they are EVERYTHING when it comes to beginning a business! Small and big business, they will be very keen to collaborate when you focus on the :- WIFT (what’s in it for them) in your proposal; instead of focusing on your business (even though, this is exactly what you receive!).

Decluttering doesn’t just apply in the physical aspect. Amazing thing happens when you are really focused on you and what you are creating…. everyone who is not in alignment with you, your goals or your vision, they just disappear from your radar. And you don’t even realise it, until you stop to lift your head.

I feel so very truly, deeply blessed right now. And the people in my inner world….they are the most inspiring, inventive, courageous and down-right-fucking-amazing, that I am just awe struck at them and who they are becoming!

Change… really is uncomfortable, scary, tiring, frazzled and uncertain.

But change is…..beautiful, necessary, fulfillment, direction.

And when you face your fears because you KNOW you are so deserving of abundance in EVERY area of your life, you greet your fear and say – “Welcome. I’ve been waiting for you.”

You only live once.


July 21, 2022

That One Good Smack Up The Ass For Change

Awards, Portraits