Manifest With Intention 2022

For as long as I can remember, I owned a diary.

From the ones we had to have to keep track of our school classes and assignment due dates, to the fancy ones that you see where you can track just about anything in your life.

I always treated my diary not just like my bestfriend, but as my journal, my planner, my art diary, my appointments/schedule tracker, literally my everything. And I still have many of them today.

Often I will refer back to them to refresh an old idea or to remind myself just how far I have come. Along the way I’ve learnt a lot of new ways to use my planner (I much prefer the term ‘planner’ to diary). But one thing remains true: I plan with intention.

Just like making my first coffee of the morning, planning with intention is my oxygen for my days’ start. And with my coffee, I take my planner and sit down to set my day’s intention before my daily mediation.

It keeps me focused.

Helps me to visualise my end goals.

And I’ve achieved things I didn’t believe that I could, all because I manifested it with intention.

There is a LOT of information at there that speaks to manifesting. It almost feels like a ‘fad’ word…..all woo-woo and who-ha type thing. People say that you have to align yourself in order to manifest what you want. This is true. BUT you won’t get what you want UNLESS you take action to create it.

That BMW that you’ve always dreamed of owning??? It will drive itself up your driveway unless you do something about it.

My photography business would not have come to life, if I didn’t sit down and plan out my steps to the actions I needed to take, and then did them! Lisa Nicols said – “Energy grows where energy flows“. So whatever you want, yes you need to put your energy towards it; BUT get off the couch and do something about it!

And I’d love to help you with my Manifest with Intention Guide: (see below)

There is no catch to download.

Nothing to pay.

No information to give.

It is purely my way of sharing with you the things that have helped me to manifest the business and life that I truly desired. And I know it will help you too.

Once you’ve downloaded it, I’d love for you to come back here and share your feedback on it. And please….share this blog post with a friend. We all have one friend that needs an extra hand too.

Now let’s go and manifest the shit outa 2022!!

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