Some of my inspired ideas, loves and recent work all in one place. 

On the Blog

Fun Colourful Modern Natural • Honest • Authentic •

Nothing is off limits here. I don't hide and I make a choice to share with honesty and realness in my writings, because it's what I believe in. The love affair I've had with words began in school and it has never waivered since. Enjoy reading Friend xox

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How does one move from a union of two, to an ending of one and still feels like she can find the woman within.

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I’d rather get a little more intimate with you and share my experiences with Mother’s Day and why I personally am in turmoil about celebrating this Hallmark day.

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Unveiling Our Latest Masterpiece – New Magazine!

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Men’s vulnerability, or rather the lack of acknowledgement of it, plays a significant role in the mental health crisis.

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We are often doing for others, but how much do we do for ourselves!??? As a wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, I know that I was ALWAYS doing things for other and completely ignoring my own things. And by things, I mean – time, dreams, goals, etc. You see…. it was imbedded into me that […]

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…. we don’t feel confident in the clothes we wear, how we style our hair, or what makeup looks good on us. The truth is…

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This amazing, gorgeous woman throws swords and when she asked if she could bring her swords into the studio as part of the photo shoot… immediate response – HELL YES!!!

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I’m the first to admit that being in a space where you have to trust that the person will take photographs of you that don’t show all your wobbly bits, hide your double chin, or those arms that you hate, is one huge leap. I can vividly remember when I was photographed by a professional photographer in her studio.