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Growing up as an Aboriginal girl, I carried the weight of self-doubt like a second skin. Each morning, I’d wake up feeling like a stranger in my own world – too different, too awkward, too everything that I thought I shouldn’t be. My thoughts were a maze of self-criticism, each turn leading to another dead end of “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never amount to anything.”

Mindset Shift: From Self-Doubt to Success

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If no one was judging me, how would I differently present my professional capabilities? This is an interesting Personal Branding mapping exercise question is it not? And what would your response be? The last few weeks, I have been head down in the pivoting of my business from Portraits and Boudoir Photography to Personal Branding. […]

If No One Was Judging Me…

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Doing anything new has fear attached to it, this is a known fact. And while I have been ‘dabbling’ in the YouTube space to see what works, how I want my channel to look and who exactly I would like to connect with, one thing has become abundantly clear…. I am doing it all with […]

Starting Over On YouTube

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As a portrait photographer, my quest to find the most stunning locations for my clients never ends. Each location MUST hold the promise of a unique and breath taking backdrop, adding that extra touch of magic to every shot. Recently, I stumbled upon a gem of a location that will become a favourite for creating […]

I Found PERFECT For You!

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How does one move from a union of two, to an ending of one and still feels like she can find the woman within.

Finding The Woman Within – A Personal Story

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Have you ever done that? Sat down and wrote out all the hurdles you’ve personally faced and overcome?? It’s a very eye opening experience.

The Greatest Hurdle You’ve Overcome

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Even the most confident of people aren’t that confident all the time. Particularly in certain situations like: being on large stages and arena’s and or even the smaller intimate settings. These spaces can be pretty intimidating. And its something that I have heard time and time again from influencers, the mentors that I’ve had over […]

How To Find Your Confidence

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I’d rather get a little more intimate with you and share my experiences with Mother’s Day and why I personally am in turmoil about celebrating this Hallmark day.

Mother’s Day: A Personal Story

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Learning to love and fall in love, with your age is a very personal and often rocky road to travel. It’s a toss between loving and disliking ourselves. But its all learning, and I have learnt so much about myself.

Learning How To Aging Gracefully