Collaborations like this, thrive on the fusion of idea’s, talents and perspectives…..
I am grateful for all those women who share their insight, wisdom, courage and stories with me during our time together in and outside of, the Studio.
I am pleased to say that the lush new studio is finally all complete and yes….we are open for business with some AH-MAZING things coming for young and old between now to Christmas!
You as the client, will have to do some major arranging and managing, especially if it’s more than just yourself for the photo shoot…
And when you face your fears because you KNOW you are so deserving of abundance in EVERY area of your life, you greet your fear and say – “Welcome. I’ve been waiting for you.”
Advice!? Sometimes we take it and sometimes we leave it behind. But this week’s ‘LET’S EACH CHOCOLATE podcast, I have dropped some nuggets of gems that have helped my in my photography journey, that I know will help you out, no matter where you are on your life journey.
Have you ever wanted to produce something so bad, that it consumed your thoughts? Like, it has lived inside of your mind, heart and soul for so long that you never actually DREAMED of it ever coming true, but you just knew with every cell of your body, that it one day would? Well that […]
Do you see the shape of my body and wish that you hadn’t?
Or do you see contentment, fulfillment and deep deep gratitude for the skin I am blessed to live in.
You need to understand; it is not her thighs, her waist or her boobs, that makes her beautiful…..
My photography business would not have come to life, if I didn’t sit down and plan out my steps to the actions I needed to take, and then did them!