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I’d rather get a little more intimate with you and share my experiences with Mother’s Day and why I personally am in turmoil about celebrating this Hallmark day.
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Learning to love and fall in love, with your age is a very personal and often rocky road to travel. It’s a toss between loving and disliking ourselves. But its all learning, and I have learnt so much about myself.
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My epiphany, it came when I was just scripting my recent Instagram post moments ago….
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In the world of photography, the ability to capture a moment is often celebrated. However, there’s an equally important, if not more crucial, aspect that often gets overlooked – the connection. Creating a meaningful and lasting connections hinges on making my Clients feel seen and heard during a photo shoot with me, and I’ll explain […]
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I am grateful for all those women who share their insight, wisdom, courage and stories with me during our time together in and outside of, the Studio.
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You as the client, will have to do some major arranging and managing, especially if it’s more than just yourself for the photo shoot…
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And when you face your fears because you KNOW you are so deserving of abundance in EVERY area of your life, you greet your fear and say – “Welcome. I’ve been waiting for you.”
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Do you see the shape of my body and wish that you hadn’t?
Or do you see contentment, fulfillment and deep deep gratitude for the skin I am blessed to live in.
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We are often doing for others, but how much do we do for ourselves!??? As a wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, I know that I was ALWAYS doing things for other and completely ignoring my own things. And by things, I mean – time, dreams, goals, etc. You see…. it was imbedded into me that […]