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welcome to the blog

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Having really great headshots, has a multitude of benefits. Not to mention uses that can really add impact for you, your career or your business.

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The pit of my stomach churns as I write this, because it is my worst nightmare, even though that has never happened (and I pray it never will!), the feeling I get is very visceral.

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In the world of photography, the ability to capture a moment is often celebrated. However, there’s an equally important, if not more crucial, aspect that often gets overlooked – the connection. Creating a meaningful and lasting connections hinges on making my Clients feel seen and heard during a photo shoot with me, and I’ll explain […]

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Unveiling Our Latest Masterpiece – New Magazine!

sustainable fashion gown

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Collaborations like this, thrive on the fusion of idea’s, talents and perspectives…..

sustainable fashion gown
from inside the photography studio

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I am grateful for all those women who share their insight, wisdom, courage and stories with me during our time together in and outside of, the Studio.

from inside the photography studio
Rockhampton Award Winning Photographer

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I am pleased to say that the lush new studio is finally all complete and yes….we are open for business with some AH-MAZING things coming for young and old between now to Christmas!

Rockhampton Award Winning Photographer

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You as the client, will have to do some major arranging and managing, especially if it’s more than just yourself for the photo shoot…

Rockhampton Award Winning Photographer
Rockhampton Award Winning Photographer

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And when you face your fears because you KNOW you are so deserving of abundance in EVERY area of your life, you greet your fear and say – “Welcome. I’ve been waiting for you.”

Rockhampton Award Winning Photographer

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“I’m not just scars and ugly cellulite. I’m confident now…”